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Fourth Session

Thursday, March 22, 2007





   I.     Questions: -

Questions entered in the separate list to be asked and answered.

II.  Calling Attention:-  

       (1)    Prof. K. V. Thomas to call the attention of the Minister for Education and Culture to the necessity to improve the infrastructure facilities in the Government/Aided Colleges in the State.

(2)    Shri. Raju Abraham to call the attention of the Minister for Home and Tourism to the necessity to strengthen and modernise the Fire and Rescue Services in the State.


III Presentation of Reports :  

        (1)    Shri. V.S. Achuthanandan, Member, Business Advisory Committee and Leader of the House, to present the Eighth Report of the Committee.


      (2)    Shri. C. Divakaran, Minister for Food and Civil Supplies and Animal Husbandry and Chairman, Subject Committee VII to present the Report of the Subject Committee on the Kerala Handloom Workers’ Welfare Cess Bill, 2007.


      (3)    Shri. Saju Paul, Chairman, Committee on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions to present the Third Report of the Committee

 IV Consideration of Report:      


Consideration of the Eighth Report of the Business Advisory Committee.

   V Legislative Business :

          (1)    Introduction and motion for reference to Subject Committee of the Kerala Dairy Farmers’ Welfare Fund Bill, 2007.

(Discussion to be concluded)


(2)    Consideration and further stages of the Kerala Fishermen’s and Allied Workers’ Welfare Cess Bill, 2006 as reported by the Subject Committee.

 (Discussion to be concluded)



Secretariat of the Kerala Legislature,                                                        Dr. N.K. Jayakumar

Thiruvananthapuram,                                                                                     Secretary.

March 21, 2007.




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